ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1316VI International Symposium on Tomato Diseases: Managing Tomato Diseases in the Face of Globalization and Climate Change |
List price | € 67 Buy this book This title is available in ActaHort USB-drive, e-Acta, and print format |
Conveners | L. Kenyon, R.-J. Chang, F.-J. Jan |
Editors | L. Kenyon, P. Hanson, D. Barchenger |
Publication date | 3 August 2021 |
ISBN | 978-94-62613-17-1 |
ISSN | 0567-7572 (print) 2406-6168 (electronic) |
Number of articles | 20 |
Volumes | 1 |
Place | Taichung, Taiwan |
Online articles: |
| Acta Horticulturae 1316 - cover - colophon - contents - authors |
| Why is it so difficult to identify tomatoes resistant to late blight? (W.E. Fry) |
| Identification of resistance locus and characterization of effector genes toward breeding for resistance to Phytophthora infestans (R.A. Arafa, M.T. Rakha, S.M. Kamel, N.E.K. Soliman, O.M. Moussa, K. Shirasawa) |
| Control of tomato-infecting tospoviruses and geminiviruses by transgenic resistance (Y.-C. Lin, J.-C. Peng, C.-F. Yang, S.-D. Yeh) |
| New approaches in the discovery and introgression of disease resistance genes from wild tomato (D.M. Francis, E. Bernal, C. Orchard, S. Subode) |
| Evaluation of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) lines and varieties to develop new breeding lines in Korea (M.C. Cho, S.Y. Lee, E.Y. Yang, C.W. Nam, J.H. Moon, S.Y. Chae, J.H. Kim) |
| Evaluation of bacterial wilt resistance sources for presence of major resistance QTLs Bwr-12 and Bwr-6, and as potential sources of new resistance QTLs (S. Kunwar, Y.C. Hsu, S.F. Lu, P. Hanson) |
| Whole genome resequencing reveals novel loci associated with bacterial wilt resistance in tomato (D.W. Barchenger, J.Y. Ou, Y.C. Lin, Y.C. Hsu, S.F. Lu, J.R. Chen, L. Kenyon, P. Hanson) |
| Tomato breeding for resistance to Ralstonia wilt (S.-T. Wang, S.-Y. Hsu, T.-Y. Yeh, S.-H. Hseu) |
| Tomato Prf requires NLR helpers NRC2 and NRC3 to confer resistance against the bacterial speck pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (C.H. Wu, S. Kamoun) |
| N-acetylcysteine, a biofilm disruptor, formulated as a layered nanomaterial for the control of bacterial wilt in tomato (C. Grabowski, D. Eulálio, V.R.L. Constantino, J. Tronto, E.S.G. Mizubuti) |
| Using magnesium oxide nanomaterial as a novel tool for bacterial disease management (Y.Y. Liao, A. Strayer-Scherer, S. Santra, J.B. Jones, M.L. Paret) |
| Bacterial spot of tomato incited by Xanthomonas spp. in Illinois: occurrence and management (M. Babadoost, S. Khanal, S.R. Hind) |
| Tomato genetic resistance to tobamoviruses is compromised (B. Avni, D. Gelbart, T. Sufrin-Ringwald, A. Zinger, L. Chen, Z. Machbash, I. Bekelman, M. Segoli, A. Dombrovsky, R. Kamenetsky, I. Levin, M. Lapidot) |
| A high viral diversity in tomato crops in Brazil is revealed by next generation sequencing analyses (T.P. Martins, C.M. Rego, E.Y.T. Nakasu, F.R. Fernandes, A.K. Inoue-Nagata) |
| Survey of viruses infecting tomato in Taiwan (L. Kenyon, Y.L. Chan, L.M. Lee, F.H. Kuo, S.L. Shih) |
| First report of the invasive MEAM1 whitefly [Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)], vector of tomato leaf curl viruses in a major tomato-growing region of Maharashtra, India (R. Achari, K.T. Rangaswamy, N. Nagaraju, H.A. Prameela, K.S. Jagadish, K. Govin, B. Karkale, K.S. Shankarappa, G.K. Ramegowda, T.S. Rathod, D.R. Babu, M. Lanting) |
| Reassessing the suitability of a monoclonal antibody for the generic serological detection of potyviruses (W. Menzel, S. Winter) |
| Recent emergence of seed-borne viruses and viroids on tomato, seed health tests and their implications in global seed trade (K.-S. Ling) |
| Management of tomato viroids at World Vegetable Center headquarters (W.Y. Chen, S.L. Shih, M.H. Hsieh, L. Kenyon) |
| Identification of novel and known tobamoviruses in tomato and other solanaceous crops using a new pair of generic primers and development of a specific RT-qPCR for ToBRFV (W. Menzel, S. Winter) |
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