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ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1316

VI International Symposium on Tomato Diseases: Managing Tomato Diseases in the Face of Globalization and Climate Change

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Conveners   L. Kenyon, R.-J. Chang, F.-J. Jan 
Editors   L. Kenyon, P. Hanson, D. Barchenger 
3 August 2021 
ISBN   978-94-62613-17-1 
ISSN   0567-7572 (print)   2406-6168 (electronic) 
Number of articles   20 
Place   Taichung, Taiwan 
Online articles:
Acta Horticulturae 1316 - cover - colophon - contents - authors
Why is it so difficult to identify tomatoes resistant to late blight? (W.E. Fry)
Identification of resistance locus and characterization of effector genes toward breeding for resistance to Phytophthora infestans (R.A. Arafa, M.T. Rakha, S.M. Kamel, N.E.K. Soliman, O.M. Moussa, K. Shirasawa)
Control of tomato-infecting tospoviruses and geminiviruses by transgenic resistance (Y.-C. Lin, J.-C. Peng, C.-F. Yang, S.-D. Yeh)
New approaches in the discovery and introgression of disease resistance genes from wild tomato (D.M. Francis, E. Bernal, C. Orchard, S. Subode)
Evaluation of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) lines and varieties to develop new breeding lines in Korea (M.C. Cho, S.Y. Lee, E.Y. Yang, C.W. Nam, J.H. Moon, S.Y. Chae, J.H. Kim)
Evaluation of bacterial wilt resistance sources for presence of major resistance QTLs Bwr-12 and Bwr-6, and as potential sources of new resistance QTLs (S. Kunwar, Y.C. Hsu, S.F. Lu, P. Hanson)
Whole genome resequencing reveals novel loci associated with bacterial wilt resistance in tomato (D.W. Barchenger, J.Y. Ou, Y.C. Lin, Y.C. Hsu, S.F. Lu, J.R. Chen, L. Kenyon, P. Hanson)
Tomato breeding for resistance to Ralstonia wilt (S.-T. Wang, S.-Y. Hsu, T.-Y. Yeh, S.-H. Hseu)
Tomato Prf requires NLR helpers NRC2 and NRC3 to confer resistance against the bacterial speck pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (C.H. Wu, S. Kamoun)
N-acetylcysteine, a biofilm disruptor, formulated as a layered nanomaterial for the control of bacterial wilt in tomato (C. Grabowski, D. Eulálio, V.R.L. Constantino, J. Tronto, E.S.G. Mizubuti)
Using magnesium oxide nanomaterial as a novel tool for bacterial disease management (Y.Y. Liao, A. Strayer-Scherer, S. Santra, J.B. Jones, M.L. Paret)
Bacterial spot of tomato incited by Xanthomonas spp. in Illinois: occurrence and management (M. Babadoost, S. Khanal, S.R. Hind)
Tomato genetic resistance to tobamoviruses is compromised (B. Avni, D. Gelbart, T. Sufrin-Ringwald, A. Zinger, L. Chen, Z. Machbash, I. Bekelman, M. Segoli, A. Dombrovsky, R. Kamenetsky, I. Levin, M. Lapidot)
A high viral diversity in tomato crops in Brazil is revealed by next generation sequencing analyses (T.P. Martins, C.M. Rego, E.Y.T. Nakasu, F.R. Fernandes, A.K. Inoue-Nagata)
Survey of viruses infecting tomato in Taiwan (L. Kenyon, Y.L. Chan, L.M. Lee, F.H. Kuo, S.L. Shih)
First report of the invasive MEAM1 whitefly [Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)], vector of tomato leaf curl viruses in a major tomato-growing region of Maharashtra, India (R. Achari, K.T. Rangaswamy, N. Nagaraju, H.A. Prameela, K.S. Jagadish, K. Govin, B. Karkale, K.S. Shankarappa, G.K. Ramegowda, T.S. Rathod, D.R. Babu, M. Lanting)
Reassessing the suitability of a monoclonal antibody for the generic serological detection of potyviruses (W. Menzel, S. Winter)
Recent emergence of seed-borne viruses and viroids on tomato, seed health tests and their implications in global seed trade (K.-S. Ling)
Management of tomato viroids at World Vegetable Center headquarters (W.Y. Chen, S.L. Shih, M.H. Hsieh, L. Kenyon)
Identification of novel and known tobamoviruses in tomato and other solanaceous crops using a new pair of generic primers and development of a specific RT-qPCR for ToBRFV (W. Menzel, S. Winter)

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