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ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1108

XXIX International Horticultural Congress on Horticulture: Sustaining Lives, Livelihoods and Landscapes (IHC2014): V International Conference on Landscape and Urban Horticulture and International Symposium on Sustainable Management in the Urban Forest

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Conveners   D. Aldous (in vale), G. Groening, J.P. Rayner, G.M. Moore, B. Wilcock 
Editors   G. Groening, G.M. Moore, J.P. Rayner, E.E.F. Moore 
8 February 2016 
ISBN   978-94-62611-02-3 
ISSN   0567-7572 (print)   2406-6168 (electronic) 
Number of articles   49 
Place   Brisbane, Australia 
Online articles:
The economic value of trees in the urban forest as climate changes (G.M. Moore)
Street trees: paying their way in property value benefits (L.J. Plant, T. Morrison, A. Rambaldi)
Effectiveness of hybrid South American mesquite in modifying landscape microclimates in an arid city (C.A. Martin)
The TREENET Avenues of Honour Project 1915-2015 (D. Lawry, G.M. Moore, D. Peacock)
The NATSPEC specification for trees – an overview (R. Clark)
Effect of fertilization and mycorrhizal inoculation in the nursery on post-transplant growth and physiology in three ornamental woody species (A. Fini, F. Ferrini, M. Seri, G. Amoroso, R. Piatti, E. Robbiani, P. Frangi)
Biochar for Eucalyptus forestry plantations (A. Wrobel-Tobiszewska, M. Boersma, P. Adams, B. Singh, S. Franks, J. Sargison)
The Council verge as the next wetland: TREENET and the cities of Mitcham and Salisbury investigate (T. Johnson, D. Lawry, H. Sapdhare)
Effect of pot type and root structure on the establishment of Tilia cordata and Ulmus minor plants after transplanting (P. Frangi, G. Amoroso, R. Piatti, E. Robbiani, A. Fini, F. Ferrini)
The growth and health of street trees planted in permeable pavements (J. Mullaney, T. Lucke, S.J. Trueman, S. Hosseini Bai)
Arboricultural strategies for managing the urban forest in a time of climate change (G.M. Moore)
Plants as architectural framework and of aesthetic value in Jordan landscape home gardens (L. Alkhatib, M. Qrunfleh)
Lassus’ legacy: "Imaginary Gardens" around the world (P. Capone, N. Roelens)
Historic gardens in the center of Stockholm (M. Flinck)
Market gardens in Sweden 1900-1950 with four case studies from Stockholm County (I. Olausson)
Rural origins in creations of resident landscapers (C. Petry)
Landscaping implications of organic production in Poitou-Charentes, France (C. Petry, P. Donadieu, M. Perigord)
Use of HORTIVAR for retrieving information: potentialities for the urban gardener (F. Orsini, D. Gasperi, G. Gianquinto, S. Ramazzotti, L. Herzigova, R. Nono-Womdim, W. Baudoin)
Managing plant-soil-water systems for more sustainable landscapes (G.J. Connellan)
Combining horticulture with ecology and social science to create sustainable urban landscapes (J. Hitchmough)
Designing for food security in a dryland metropolis: investigating productive landscapes in Doha (A. Grichting, R. Awwaad, A. Al-Mohannadi, N. Eribi)
Natural landscaping in industrial areas – case study of Boleslaw Manor (K. Kałużny, E. Hanus-Fajerska, K. Ciarkowska)
Use of rock dust in Verbena × hybrida propagation for landscape use (L. Dall'Agnese, C.T. Abreu, J.B. Pasa, C. Petry, E.C. Bortoluzzi, B.I. Antonello)
Phenological features of some geophytes from the Anzer plateau in Rize and utilization possibilities for landscape architecture (D. Dinçer, M. Var, H. Baykal, V. Atamov)
Morphological features and examination of Colchicum speciosum distributed in the Basyayla plateau, Turkey (M. Var, D. Dinçer, H. Baykal)
Plant evaluation and selection for rain gardens in China (Jingjing Liu, Yike Gao, Qixiang Zhang, Weilan Bai, Yuanyuan Wang, Mingqi Yang)
Root and shoot development in ornamental shrubs: the influence of compacted soil and altered root geometry (N.I. Mohd Idris, R.W.F. Cameron)
Learning from failure: evaluating plant performance in urban landscapes (J.P. Rayner, C.C. Williams)
Aligning design with science: tree grids and rings in the landscape (G.H. Stoffberg, M.W. van Rooyen, H.T. Groeneveld, M.J. van der Linde)
Increasing the resilience of horticultural systems to future flood events in the highly productive Laidley Creek Valley (J. Walker, R. Hardie, E. Zavadil, H. Ghajarnia)
Original design and ecological recreation: a comparative analysis of wetland parks in the Yangtse River Delta area (Lin Zhang, Yi-ping Xia, Qiong Wu, Lin-fang She, Han Li, Ting-li Ruan)
Landscapology: the philosophy of 3As (W.Z. Zhou, Z.C. Zhou, Y.Y. Xu)
Biogenic hydrocarbon emissions: a consideration for large-scale tree planting programs (J.F. Karlik, D.R. Pittenger)
Urban trees worldwide have low species and genetic diversity, posing high risks of tree loss as stresses from climate change increase (V.I. Lohr, D. Kendal, C. Dobbs)
Use of water-retention additives to improve performance of green roof substrates (C. Farrell, C.T.N. Cao, X.Q. Ang, J.P. Rayner)
A plants palette for hydroponic structures on buildings (G. Karras, I.L. Tsirogiannis, M. Bakea, G. Varras, D. Savvas, C. Lykas, M.C. Salas)
Green roofs from locally-available materials (M. Loehrlein)
Growing green: developing industry guidelines for green infrastructure (S.M. Murphy, J.P. Rayner, G. Hall, J. Francis)
Substrate type, depth and irrigation regime effects on Ebenus cretica growth in extensive green roof (P.A. Nektarios, E. Nydrioti, T. Kapsali, N. Ntoulas)
Crithmum maritimum growth in extensive green roof systems with different substrate type, depth and irrigation regime (P.A. Nektarios, E. Nydrioti, T. Kapsali, N. Ntoulas)
Effect of substrate type and irrigation frequency on growth of Mediterranean xerophytes on green roofs (M. Papafotiou, L. Tassoula, G. Liakopoulos, G. Kargas)
The propagation of Persicaria capitata in different substrates for green roof use (C. Petry, F.M. Scalon, M.E. Ventura, L. Dall'Agnese, C.D. Tedesco, N.B.U. Garcia)
Evaluation of a plastic tube based hydroponic system for horizontal and vertical green surfaces on buildings (I.L. Tsirogiannis, G. Karras, E. Lambraki, G. Varras, D. Savvas, S. Castellano)
Potentials and prospects for the expansion of green areas on buildings in the metropolitan area of Athens (G. Varras, K. Chiotelli, V. Fragaki, G. Karras, G. Tsantopoulos)
Implication of plant selection for building insulation (M. Vaz Monteiro, P. Hadley, T. Blanusa, R.W.F. Cameron)
Developing Australian green roofs: overview of a 5-year research program (N.S.G. Williams, J.P. Rayner, K.E. Lee, T.D. Fletcher, D. Chen, C. Szota, C. Farrell)
The role of shrubs and climbers on improving thermal performance of brick walls during winter (J.E. Taylor, R.W.F. Cameron, M.R. Emmett)
The historic Traituba Farm in the XIX century: cultural and economical focus of landscape transformations (C. Souza Gontijo Garcia, P. Duarte de Oliveira Paiva, S.F. Nogueira da Silva Cavalcante Alves, M. de Carvalho Rafael Salgado, R. Paiva)
The Brazilian horticultural agronomist between gardening and landscaping (C. Petry, L. Dallagnese, M.E. Ventura, N.B.U. Garcia, M. Valiati, R. Geiser)

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ISBN-13: 9789462611023

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